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I am a senior at Baylor University majoring in Professional Selling in the Hankamer School of Business. I value my faith, family, and friends. I am originally from Anchorage, Alaska and lived there for eight years before moving to Houston, Texas. Since that first move, I have lived in nine different cities due to my mother's career in the oil and gas industry.

The most memorable city I lived in is Aberdeen, Scotland. I lived in Aberdeen for three years during High School and attended the International School of Aberdeen. This experience not only allowed me to learn and create friendships with students from all around the world, but it also allowed me to travel and understand the importance of learning about the history and culture of different places.

Since attending Baylor University, I have continued to grow and develop in my classes, the Professional Selling program, and in extra curricular activities. I have loved being apart of the sorority Pi Beta Phi, participating in Sing and Pigskin, competing in intramural sports, and enjoying the town of Waco with friends. Sic 'Em Bears!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

About Me: Text
About Me: Gallery
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